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发布时间:2015-11-30 来源:中以商务网 作者:中以商务网


ShneorSeed有限公司成立于2007年。 创始人发现了一个不断增长的蔬菜种子,需要在发展中国家广泛的病毒的抗性,高产量,和一个很长的保质期,在一个公平的价格。  







ShneorSeed Co. was founded in 2007 . The founders identified a growing need in developing countries for vegetable seeds, which have resistances to a wide range of viruses , high yield , and a long shelf life, at a fair price.  

Once our competitively priced TY resistance tomato seeds were a success in south east Asia , and all the rest is history. 

Today, our range of  high quality vegetable seeds produce some of the finest fruits and vegetables around the world, benefiting our loyal farmers and customers, whilst we constantly work on improving the quality of the products farmers can supply the market. 

A number of our tomato breeds have the most extensive range of virus resistances currently on the commercial market.

We are always combining genetics, horticulture, and Biology, with traditional breeding methods  to the greatest extent, plowing a substantial portion of the company's funds into research and development.

We use the services of the finest labs in Israel and abroad to evaluate our results.

We are constantly looking for bright minds, top of the line breeders, crop protection specialists, all trained at the finest institutes in Israel, whilst including valuable field experience, from the field and greenhouses of our customers around the world, constantly improving our breeds  for the benefit of our customers to be leaps ahead of the rest.



—— 以色列游学培训、商务考察专业提供商

咨询电话: 010-80700911/010-57036589

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