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以色列Comarcom 公司

发布时间:2017-12-21 来源:中以商务网 作者:以色列商务考察

Comarcom 公司致力于为蜂窝通信运营商提供低成本、高效率的无线蜂窝覆盖解决方案。

我们提供的 VEGA 系列高增益、窄波束、双极化天线将帮助蜂窝通信运营商将信号覆盖至偏远乡村、提高 3G 网络容量、解决长距离公路和铁路覆盖问题、通过远程方式增强购物中心和办公大楼的内部信号,同时避免空域干扰。

Company Profile

Established in 2003, Comarcom Ltd is a privately owned firm active in the cellular radio access network market.
Our mission is to respond to cellular operators special radio coverage needs, provide viable and profitable solutions, and establish long lasting relations with our customers.

Comarcom's deep understanding both of cellular technology and the cellular marketplace allows Comarcom to offer a one-of-a-kind cellular radio coverage solution to the profitable advantage of cellular operators world wide.

Comarcom's activity is in the field of design, production and marketing of a line of special antennas for cellular base stations. 
This one of a kind family of very high gain, narrow beam, dual polarization antennas called "VEGA"  and "VEGA Mx" (patented) is designed and field proven to enable the cellular operator to extend and improve coverage in difficult to serve areas.

At Comarcom, our research, design, manufacturing and marketing activity is focused on addressing a large variety of actual cellular radio access network coverage situations.

The equipment we offer enables network planners to enhance and extend coverage, increase capacity of GSM, CDMA , 3G, 4G and LTE networks by increasing EIRP and diminishing spatial interference.

Using VEGA antennas within the cellular radio access network, both in the “Green Field” stage and in the optimization stage after the networks special coverage needs start to show up, can save the operator considerable CAPEX & OPEX with short ROI when compared to any other available solution.



—— 以色列游学培训、商务考察专业提供商

咨询电话: 010-80700911/010-57036589

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