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以色列Undoit Medical 纹身去除设备

发布时间:2018-01-05 来源:中以商务网 作者:中以商务网

Undoit Medical brings a revolution to the world of medical aesthetics.

Undoit improves physical and emotional health by “undoing” unwanted presences and phenomena on the skin through its highly innovative and effective platform technology that delivers outstanding results.

Undoit Medical strives to be the gold standard for the aesthetic treatment of various skin presences and phenomena.



—— 以色列游学培训、商务考察专业提供商

咨询电话: 010-80700911/010-57036589

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上一篇:以色列Pollogen医疗美容器械公司 下一篇:以色列Check-Cap结肠癌检测的X射线成像胶囊