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以色列农业孵化器Rimonim VC公司

发布时间:2019-05-27 来源:中以商务网 作者:中以商务网

Rimonim Venture Capital是对早期阶段的以色列公司和以色列相关食品和农业技术公司的重要投资者。Rimonim考虑了涉及精准农业,气候控制和IT的公司的短期成熟度以及与功能性食品,水产养殖,植物育种,杀虫剂和可持续性相关的技术的长期成熟度。Rimonim的创始人,合作伙伴和顾问专家将愿景与实际的公司建设专业知识相结合,在以色列和国际农业,食品和风险投资社区拥有100多年的综合经验。

Rimonim VC

Rimonim Venture Capital is a significant investor in early-stage Israeli and Israel-related food and agro-tech companies. 

Rimonim takes into account the shorter-term maturities of companies involved in precision agriculture, climate control, and IT and the longer-term maturities of technologies related to functional foods, aquaculture, plant breeding, pesticides, and sustainability.

Rimonim's founders, partners, and advisers combine vision with practical company-building expertise, with more than 100 years of combined experience in the Israeli and international agriculture, food, and venture capital communities.

上一篇:​以色列Seedo自动水培生长机器 下一篇:Dexteris Robotics 水果采摘机器人